Kanada köklü anılmış arhitekturacılar listasi
Kanada köklü anılmış arhitekturacılar listasi
- Douglas Cardinal
- Ernest Cormier
- Arthur Erickson
- Frank Gehry
- E.J. Lennox
- John Ostell
- Francis Rattenbury
- Moshe Safdie
- Hossein Amanat
- Louis-Auguste Amos
- John Smith Archibalt
- Louis-Napoléon Audet
- François Baillairgé
- Napoléon Bourassa
- Alison Brooks
- John James Browne
- Edmund Burke
- Douglas Cardinal
- William John Carmichael
- Melvin Charney
- Wells Coates
- Joseph Connolly
- Ernest Cormier
- Craig and Madill
- Louis Curtiss
- Théodore Daoust
- Frank Darling
- Peter Dickinson
- Dimitri Dimakopoulos
- Marius Dufresne
- Alexander Francis Dunlop
- Arthur Erickson
- Leslie R. Fairn
- Frank R. Findlay
- Robert Findlay
- Thomas Fuller
- Frank Gehry
- Arthur Gendron
- Joseph Arthur Godin nt.
- George Wallace Gouinlock
- Dan Hanganu
- David Hardie
- William Critchlow Harris
- Esther Hill
- John William Hopkins
- John George Howard
- Alexander Cowper Hutchison
- Henry Langley
- Alfred-Hector Lapierre
- E.J. Lennox
- Louis Bourgeois
- John M. Lyle
- Jean-Omer Marchand
- Edward Maxwell
- William Sutherland Maxwell
- D.G. McKinstry
- Manuel Joseph Mendelssohn
- John Melville Miller
- Charles Alexander Mitchell
- Raymond Moriyama
- Percy Erskine Nobbs
- David Ogilvy
- John Ostell
- Carlos Ott
- Marcel Parizeau
- Parr and Fee
- John A. Pearson
- Henri-Maurice Perrault
- Joseph Perrault
- Alfred Leslie Perry
- Uno Prii
- Francis Rattenbury
- Alphonse Raza
- Watson Elkinah Reid
- Samuel Douglas Richie
- Ross and Macdonald
- Victor Roy
- Moshe Safdie
- Fariborz Sahba
- Joseph Sawyer
- Charles J. Saxe
- Thomas Seaton Scott
- Harold Edgar Shorey
- WIlliam Spier
- Henry Sproatt
- David Stirling
- William George Storm
- Francis Sullivan
- Eugène-Étienne Taché
- Teeple Architects
- Bing Thom
- Ron Thom
- William T. Thomas
- William Thomas
- Ramsay Traquair
- Kivas Tully
- Alphonse Venne
- Dalbé Viau
- John Wells