Kullanıcı:E THP/wikEd.js: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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E THP (konuşmaa | yardımnar)
Değişiklik özeti yok
E THP (konuşmaa | yardımnar)
Değişiklik özeti yok
15. liniya:
on-page Show preview and Show changes, and advanced search and replace functions.
wikEd works under all web browsers except Internet Explorer and Opera.
The code has to be saved as UTF-8 in your editor to preserve Unicode characters like ? (heart symbol)
Greasemonkey metadata:
107. liniya:
'wikEdSort alt': 'Sort',
'wikEdSort title': 'Sort alphabetically',
'wikEdRedirect alt': 'Redirect',
'wikEdRedirect alt': 'Redirect',
'wikEdRedirect title': 'Create redirect, deletes whole text',
'wikEdRedirect alt': 'Redirect',
'wikEdRedirect title': 'Create redirect, deletes whole text',
'wikEdUndoAll alt': 'Undo all',
306. liniya:
// shortened button texts
'shortenedPreview': ' ?nön siiri g?stergöster',
'shortenedChanges': 'dii?ilmakleridiişilmakleri g?stergöster',
// follow link popup
891. liniya:
80: ['wikEdSort', 'wikEdButton', wikEd.config.text['wikEdSort title'], wikEd.config.image['sort'], '16', '16', wikEd.config.text['wikEdSort alt'], 'wikEd.EditButton(obj, objId);' ],
25: ['wikEdRedirect', 'wikEdButton', wikEd.config.text['wikEdRedirect title'], wikEd.config.image['redirect'], '16', '16', wikEd.config.text['wikEdRedirect alt'], 'wikEd.EditButton(obj, objId);' ],
25: ['wikEdRedirect', 'wikEdButton', wikEd.config.text['wikEdRedirect title'], wikEd.config.image['redirect'], '16', '16', wikEd.config.text['wikEdRedirect alt'], 'wikEd.EditButton(obj, objId);' ],
13: ['wikEdUndoAll', 'wikEdButton', wikEd.config.text['wikEdUndoAll title'], wikEd.config.image['undoAll'], '16', '16', wikEd.config.text['wikEdUndoAll alt'], 'wikEd.EditButton(obj, objId);' ],
14: ['wikEdRedoAll', 'wikEdButtonInactive', wikEd.config.text['wikEdRedoAll title'], wikEd.config.image['redoAll'], '16', '16', wikEd.config.text['wikEdRedoAll alt'], 'wikEd.EditButton(obj, objId);' ],
Satır 1.298 ⟶ 1.296:
'fi': wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl + 'w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&title=User:Ejs-80/wikEd international fi.js',
'fr': wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl + 'w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&title=User:Leag/wikEd-fr.js',
'gl': wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl + 'w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&title=User:Toli?oToliño/wikEd_international_gl.js',
'de': wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl + 'w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&title=User:Matthias_M./wikEd_international_de.js',
'he': wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl + 'w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&title=User:??????שמוליק/wikEd_international_he.js',
'hr': wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl + 'w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&title=User:SpeedyGonsales/wikEd_international_hr.js',
'hu': wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl + 'w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&title=User:Cs?rf?lyCsörföly D/wikEd-hu.js',
'it': wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl + 'w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&title=User:Jalo/wikEd_international_it.js',
'ja': wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl + 'w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&title=User:Hatukanezumi/wikEd_international_ja.js',
Satır 1.396 ⟶ 1.394:
wikEd.checkMarker = [];
wikEd.checkMarker[true] = '?';
wikEd.checkMarker[false] = '?';
// undo all, redo all
Satır 5.230 ⟶ 5.228:
// postfix (User_talk) or prefix (Discussion_Utilisateur), test for xxx_ vs. _xxx (all ASCII non-letters as separator)
// Firefox 3.6.7 + Greasemonkey 0.8.20100408.06: invalid range with \{-‰ and \x8f-™
if (/[ -\/\:-\@\[-\`\{-\x88‰‹\x8d\x8f-\x98™›\x9d\xa0-»?¿×÷]/.test(wikEd.config.text['talk namespace suffix']) == true) {
talk = article.replace(/([^:]*)/, wikEd.config.text['talk namespace suffix'] + '$1');
Satır 5.727 ⟶ 5.725:
// redirect: whole
case 'wikEdRedirect':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole, selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain == '') {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selectionWord');
obj.changed = obj.whole;
// find and replace: selection / focusWord / cursor
case 'wikEdFindPrev':
Satır 6.330 ⟶ 6.320:
// remove umlauts (just guessing, but probably better than not doing it)
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[à-?æ]/g, 'a');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[ç]/g, 'c');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[?ð]/g, 'd');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[è-ë]/g, 'e');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[?ì-ï]/g, 'i');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[?ñ]/g, 'n');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[?ò-??öø]/g, 'o');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[?ß]/g, 'ss');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[ù-ü]/g, 'u');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[??ýÿ]/g, 'y');
// remove non-chars
Satır 7.113 ⟶ 7.103:
( (obj.changed.keepSel != true) && (obj.changed.from != 'whole') ) ||
(obj.changed.keepSel == false) ||
(buttonId == 'wikEdRedirect') ||
(buttonId == 'wikEdRedirect') ||
( (buttonId == 'wikEdWikify') && (parameters == 'whole') )
Satır 9.248 ⟶ 9.237:
// add space before units, remove space around /, and use abreviations
var regExp = new RegExp('( */ *|\\d *)(Y|yotta|Z|zetta|E|exa|P|peta|T|tera|G|giga|M|mega|k|kilo|K|h|hecto|da|deca|d|deci|c|centi|m|mill?i|micro|u|µ|n|nano|p|pico|f|femto|a|atto|z|zepto|y|yocto|mibi|mebi|)(gramm?s?|g|metres?|meters?|m|amperes?|Amperes?|amps?|Amps?|A|Angstroms?|Angstr?msAngströms?|?Å|Kelvins?|kelvins?|K|moles?|Moles?|mol|candelas?|cd|rad|Ci|sr|Hert?z|hert?z|Hz|newtons?|Newtons?|N|Joules?|joules?|J|watts?|Watts?|W|pascals?|Pascals?|Pa|lm|lx|C|volts?|Volts?|V|O|Farads?|F|Wb|T|H|S|bequerels?|Bequerels?|Bq|Gy|Sv|kat|centigrades?|°C|decibels?|db|dB|M|ohms?|Ohms?|\\u03a9|sec|seconds?|s|minutes?|min|hour?|h|bits?|Bits?|bit|bytes?|Bytes?|B|bps|Bps)(?=[^' + wikEd.letters + '_]|$)', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
function (p, p1, p2, p3) {
Satır 9.281 ⟶ 9.270:
p3 = p3.replace(/metres?|meters?/g, 'm');
p3 = p3.replace(/amperes?|Amperes?|amps?|Amps?/g, 'A');
p3 = p3.replace(/Angstroms?|Angstr?msAngströms?/g, '?Å');
p3 = p3.replace(/Kelvins?|kelvins?/g, 'K');
p3 = p3.replace(/moles?|Moles?/g, 'mol');
Satır 13.018 ⟶ 13.007:
if (refName != '') {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefContainer"><button class="wikEdRefButton' + wikEd.referenceArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdRefButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdRefButton--></span><!--wikEdRefContainer-->';
wikEd.referenceArray.push( {'text': refName + ' ?', 'added': false} );
else {
Satır 13.367 ⟶ 13.356:
if ( (xLength / 2 - xCount) > 0) {
var pos = 'CGHJSUcghjsu'.indexOf(accentChar);
accentChar = '????????????ĈĜĤĴŜŬĉĝĥĵŝŭ'.substr(pos, 1);
xString = xString.replace(/^x|(x)x/gi, '$1');
Satır 16.048 ⟶ 16.037:
// supported chars in Mozilla and IE
wikEd.supportedChars = [
[ 'a1', 'iexcl'], // ?¡
[ 'a2', 'cent'], // ¢
[ 'a3', 'pound'], // £
Satır 16.057 ⟶ 16.046:
[ 'a8', 'uml'], // ¨
[ 'a9', 'copy'], // ©
[ 'aa', 'ordf'], // ?ª
[ 'ab', 'laquo'], // «
[ 'ac', 'not'], // ¬
Satır 16.072 ⟶ 16.061:
[ 'b8', 'cedil'], // ¸
[ 'b9', 'sup1'], // ¹
[ 'ba', 'ordm'], // ?º
[ 'bb', 'raquo'], // »
[ 'bc', 'frac14'], // ¼
[ 'bd', 'frac12'], // ½
[ 'be', 'frac34'], // ¾
[ 'bf', 'iquest'], // ?¿
[ 'c0', 'Agrave'], // AÀ
[ 'c1', 'Aacute'], // ?Á
[ 'c2', 'Acirc'], // AÂ
[ 'c3', 'Atilde'], // ?Ã
[ 'c4', 'Auml'], // ?Ä
[ 'c5', 'Aring'], // ?Å
[ 'c6', 'AElig'], // ?Æ
[ 'c7', 'Ccedil'], // CÇ
[ 'c8', 'Egrave'], // EÈ
[ 'c9', 'Eacute'], // EÉ
[ 'ca', 'Ecirc'], // EÊ
[ 'cb', 'Euml'], // EË
[ 'cc', 'Igrave'], // ?Ì
[ 'cd', 'Iacute'], // ?Í
[ 'ce', 'Icirc'], // IÎ
[ 'cf', 'Iuml'], // IÏ
[ 'd0', 'ETH'], // ?Ð
[ 'd1', 'Ntilde'], // ?Ñ
[ 'd2', 'Ograve'], // ?Ò
[ 'd3', 'Oacute'], // ?Ó
[ 'd4', 'Ocirc'], // OÔ
[ 'd5', 'Otilde'], // ?Õ
[ 'd6', 'Ouml'], // ?Ö
[ 'd7', 'times'], // ×
[ 'd8', 'Oslash'], // ?Ø
[ 'd9', 'Ugrave'], // UÙ
[ 'da', 'Uacute'], // ?Ú
[ 'db', 'Ucirc'], // UÛ
[ 'dc', 'Uuml'], // UÜ
[ 'dd', 'Yacute'], // ?Ý
[ 'de', 'THORN'], // ?Þ
[ 'df', 'szlig'], // ?ß
[ 'e0', 'agrave'], // à
[ 'e1', 'aacute'], // ?á
[ 'e2', 'acirc'], // â
[ 'e3', 'atilde'], // ?ã
[ 'e4', 'auml'], // ?ä
[ 'e5', 'aring'], // ?å
[ 'e6', 'aelig'], // ?æ
[ 'e7', 'ccedil'], // ç
[ 'e8', 'egrave'], // è
Satır 16.122 ⟶ 16.111:
[ 'ea', 'ecirc'], // ê
[ 'eb', 'euml'], // ë
[ 'ec', 'igrave'], // ?ì
[ 'ed', 'iacute'], // ?í
[ 'ee', 'icirc'], // î
[ 'ef', 'iuml'], // ï
[ 'f0', 'eth'], // ?ð
[ 'f1', 'ntilde'], // ?ñ
[ 'f2', 'ograve'], // ?ò
[ 'f3', 'oacute'], // ?ó
[ 'f4', 'ocirc'], // ô
[ 'f5', 'otilde'], // ?õ
[ 'f6', 'ouml'], // ?ö
[ 'f7', 'divide'], // ÷
[ 'f8', 'oslash'], // ?ø
[ 'f9', 'ugrave'], // ù
[ 'fa', 'uacute'], // ?ú
[ 'fb', 'ucirc'], // û
[ 'fc', 'uuml'], // ü
[ 'fd', 'yacute'], // ?ý
[ 'fe', 'thorn'], // ?þ
[ 'ff', 'yuml'], // ?ÿ
[ '27', 'apos'], // '
[ '22', 'quot'], // "
[ '152', 'OElig'], // Œ
[ '153', 'oelig'], // œ
[ '160', 'Scaron'], // ?Š
[ '161', 'scaron'], // ?š
[ '178', 'Yuml'], // ?Ÿ
[ '2c6', 'circ'], // ˆ
[ '2dc', 'tilde'], // ?˜
['2013', 'ndash'], // –
['2014', 'mdash'], // —
Satır 16.166 ⟶ 16.155:
['20ac', 'euro'], // €
[ '192', 'fnof'], // ƒ
[ '391', 'Alpha'], // ?Α
[ '392', 'Beta'], // ?Β
[ '393', 'Gamma'], // ?Γ
[ '394', 'Delta'], // ?Δ
[ '395', 'Epsilon'],// ?Ε
[ '396', 'Zeta'], // ?Ζ
[ '397', 'Eta'], // ?Η
[ '398', 'Theta'], // ?Θ
[ '399', 'Iota'], // ?Ι
[ '39a', 'Kappa'], // ?Κ
[ '39b', 'Lambda'], // ?Λ
[ '39c', 'Mu'], // ?Μ
[ '39d', 'Nu'], // ?Ν
[ '39e', 'Xi'], // ?Ξ
[ '39f', 'Omicron'],// ?Ο
[ '3a0', 'Pi'], // ?Π
[ '3a1', 'Rho'], // ?Ρ
[ '3a3', 'Sigma'], // ?Σ
[ '3a4', 'Tau'], // ?Τ
[ '3a5', 'Upsilon'],// ?Υ
[ '3a6', 'Phi'], // ?Φ
[ '3a7', 'Chi'], // ?Χ
[ '3a8', 'Psi'], // ?Ψ
[ '3a9', 'Omega'], // ?Ω
[ '3b1', 'alpha'], // ?α
[ '3b2', 'beta'], // ?β
[ '3b3', 'gamma'], // ?γ
[ '3b4', 'delta'], // ?δ
[ '3b5', 'epsilon'],// ?ε
[ '3b6', 'zeta'], // ?ζ
[ '3b7', 'eta'], // ?η
[ '3b8', 'theta'], // ?θ
[ '3b9', 'iota'], // ?ι
[ '3ba', 'kappa'], // ?κ
[ '3bb', 'lambda'], // ?λ
[ '3bc', 'mu'], // ?μ
[ '3bd', 'nu'], // ?ν
[ '3be', 'xi'], // ?ξ
[ '3bf', 'omicron'],// ?ο
[ '3c0', 'pi'], // ?π
[ '3c1', 'rho'], // ?ρ
[ '3c2', 'sigmaf'], // ?ς
[ '3c3', 'sigma'], // ?σ
[ '3c4', 'tau'], // ?τ
[ '3c5', 'upsilon'],// ?υ
[ '3c6', 'phi'], // ?φ
[ '3c7', 'chi'], // ?χ
[ '3c8', 'psi'], // ?ψ
[ '3c9', 'omega'], // ?ω
['2022', 'bull'], // •
['2026', 'hellip'], // …
['2032', 'prime'], // ?
['2033', 'Prime'], // ?
['203e', 'oline'], // ?
['2044', 'frasl'], // ?
['2122', 'trade'], // ™
['2190', 'larr'], // ?
['2191', 'uarr'], // ?
['2192', 'rarr'], // ?
['2193', 'darr'], // ?
['2194', 'harr'], // ?
['21d2', 'rArr'], // ?
['21d4', 'hArr'], // ?
['2200', 'forall'], // ?
['2202', 'part'], // ?
['2203', 'exist'], // ?
['2207', 'nabla'], // ?
['2208', 'isin'], // ?
['220b', 'ni'], // ?
['220f', 'prod'], // ?
['2211', 'sum'], // ?
['2212', 'minus'], // ?
['221a', 'radic'], // ?
['221d', 'prop'], // ?
['221e', 'infin'], // ?
['2220', 'ang'], // ?
['2227', 'and'], // ?
['2228', 'or'], // ?
['2229', 'cap'], // ?
['222a', 'cup'], // ?
['222b', 'int'], // ?
['2234', 'there4'], // ?
['223c', 'sim'], // ?
['2248', 'asymp'], // ?
['2260', 'ne'], // ?
['2261', 'equiv'], // ?
['2264', 'le'], // ?
['2265', 'ge'], // ?
['2282', 'sub'], // ?
['2283', 'sup'], // ?
['2286', 'sube'], // ?
['2287', 'supe'], // ?
['2295', 'oplus'], // ?
['25ca', 'loz'], // ?
['2660', 'spades'], // ?
['2663', 'clubs'], // ?
['2665', 'hearts'], // ?
['2666', 'diams'] // ?
Satır 16.276 ⟶ 16.265:
// special chars (spaces and invisible characters)
wikEd.specialChars = [
['2002', 'ensp'], // ? en space
[ 'ad', 'shy'], // ­ soft hyphen
['2003', 'emsp'], // ? em space
['2009', 'thinsp'], // ? thin space
['200c', 'zwnj'], // ‌ zero width non-joiner
['200d', 'zwj'], // ‍ zero width joiner
Satır 16.288 ⟶ 16.277:
// unsupported chars in IE6
wikEd.problemChars = [
[ '3d1', 'thetasym'], // ?ϑ
[ '3d2', 'upsih'], // ?ϒ
[ '3d6', 'piv'], // ?ϖ
['2118', 'weierp'], // ?
['2111', 'image'], // ?
['211c', 'real'], // ?
['2135', 'alefsym'], // ?
['21b5', 'crarr'], // ?
['21d0', 'lArr'], // ?
['21d1', 'uArr'], // ?
['21d3', 'dArr'], // ?
['2205', 'empty'], // ?
['2209', 'notin'], // ?
['2217', 'lowast'], // ?
['2245', 'cong'], // ?
['2284', 'nsub'], // ?
['22a5', 'perp'], // ?
['2297', 'otimes'], // ?
['22c5', 'sdot'], // ?
['2308', 'lceil'], // ?
['2309', 'rceil'], // ?
['230a', 'lfloor'], // ?
['230b', 'rfloor'], // ?
['2329', 'lang'], // ?
['232a', 'rang'] // ?
Satır 16.369 ⟶ 16.358:
wikEd.charHighlighting = {
'9': 'tab', // \u0009 ' '
'8194': 'enSpace', // \u2002 '?'
'8195': 'emSpace', // \u2003 '?'
'8201': 'thinSpace', // \u2009 '?'
'12288': 'ideographicSpace', // \u3000 '? '
'45': 'hyphenDash', // \u00a0 '-'
'173': 'softHyphen', // \u00ad '­'
'8210': 'figureDash', // \u2012 '?'
'8211': 'enDash', // \u2013 '–'
'8212': 'emDash', // \u2014 '—'
'8213': 'barDash', // \u2015 '?'
'8722': 'minusDash' // \u2212 '?'
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