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  Hoş geldiniz, Superpes15 !

Salam, Superpes15, tamamiyle gönüllü kimseyler ile 285 dilde yaradılan Vikipediya enţiklopediyalarının Gagauz dilindeki versiyası Gagauz Vikipediyasına hoş geldiniz!

Gagauzça laf edän insannar bizä katılın

Şindi Gagauzça vikipediyada var yazı: 2.809

~StyyxMesaj 23.49, 9 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla

Huseyn Hasanli


Selam. Sayfayı neden sildiniz ? --Quliyev Malik (mesaj) 22.28, 9 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla

Quliyev Malik İlgili maddenin konusu kayda değer değildi ve bariz reklam niteliğindeydi. Ayrıca madde Azericede yazılmış, Gagavuzcada değil. ~StyyxMesaj 23.49, 9 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Thanks Styyx for replying in the correct language! Unfortunately automatic translators are often unreliable and I prefer not to use them :( Superpes15 (mesaj) 00.14, 10 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Both the message of the user and my reply are actually Turkish and not Gagauz. :D Both languages are very similar though. ~StyyxMesaj 00.22, 10 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Styyx Yep I noticed lol My translator struggles to recognize them :/ Superpes15 (mesaj) 00.26, 10 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Hahahahaha! Though nothing can beat mine recognizing Albanian as Turkish (very different from each other) once! ~StyyxMesaj 00.32, 10 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Styyx That's funny ROTFL Superpes15 (mesaj) 00.34, 10 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Articles in the Azerbaijani language have been deleted, but for some reason no one touched the same articles in Turkish, they are also not in the Gagauz language.
So you are also involved in Atakhanli affairs.
Please, also @Superpes15 delete these pages that Atakhanli added.
Example: https://gag.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagopa_Kajmer , https://gag.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cem_Adrian
LOOK: https://gag.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maasus:Kat%C4%B1lmaklar/Atakhanli - all articles Gagobyte (mesaj) 19.25, 11 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Gagobyte Thanks for reporting this to me! Styyx Any objection? Superpes15 (mesaj) 20.26, 11 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
No objection at all. Those are indeed in Turkish, and actually a copy paste of the Turkish Wikipedia. Sagopa Kajmer, Cem Adrian, Mabel Matiz, Badclause, Polad Həşimov, Acun Ilıcalı, Rəcəb Tayyib Ərdoğan, Pana Film, Xudayar Yusifzadə are all not in Gagauz. I've been looking at random articles to find stuff like this. Huseyn Garibov, Leyla Farhadova and Nigar Rufat are in Azerbaijani. Brumado is in Frisian (wtf) and Rock festival jem gagauzça 2010 is in Gagauz but just not notable. ~StyyxMesaj 20.51, 11 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Styyx Thanks! All done :) If you find other pages, just report them to GSR or here, btw I suggest you to ask for sysop flag here too :) Thanks again! Superpes15 (mesaj) 21.15, 11 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Thomas Baird got created just today, conveniently in English. ~StyyxMesaj 22.16, 11 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Done Superpes15 (mesaj) 23.55, 11 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla

I just looked at Special:NewPages and I didn't really like what I saw. Jalə Qarayeva, Rafail Mirzayev, Ləman Əliyeva, Seymur Qurbanov, Canan and Arzu Həmzəyeva are in Azerbaijani and plain spam stuff. Stanislav Lakoba, P. J. Soles, İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi and Joe Allen, though notable, are in Turkish. These would need to be deleted. ~StyyxMesaj 16.29, 12 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla

Styyx Wow... Really unbelievable! Superpes15 (mesaj) 16.34, 12 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Ukrayna milliş takımırım beysbol is in Ukrainian. İngiliz dilini üürenmäk merkezi açıldı is out of project scope, it announces the opening of a English-learning center, which I have merged into Komrat Devlet Universiteti. Saygılı üürenicilär is an essay (Google translating from Turkish into English gives OK results if you want to check it out). We can be better of by completely blowing this project up and starting from scratch. xD ~StyyxMesaj 17.15, 12 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Styyx Agree with you... imho it would be important that you get the temporary local sysop flag to do the cleaning yourself :) Superpes15 (mesaj) 17.51, 12 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Well with 1 oppose (even though it's an act of revenge) and 1 oppose only I won't get it. Don't think the community is active enough to get more people to vote either. ~StyyxMesaj 18.01, 12 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Araz Yakupoğlu is in Turkish (though the dates are in Gagauz). Unrelated to the whole non-Gagauz articles issue, but the creator of Modul:TableTools has blanked it and tagged it for speedy right after creation, so that would need to be deleted as well. ~StyyxMesaj 17.47, 14 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla
Thanks! Done  :) Superpes15 (mesaj) 19.23, 14 Çiçek ay 2022 (+03)Yanıtla